Audio Product Range

Audio Devices for Public Spaces
We supply audio products for use in public spaces from several suppliers including:
Gilderfluke & Co
A wide range of solid state audio player and amplification products. Other products from Gildefluke include animation controls, show controllers and relays. Used extensively in controlling audio and lighting for events and in museums.
The Sd-10 is a complete stereo audio repeater. It can be used in Store-Casting, Music-
On-Hold, Museum, Safety, Industrial or Entertainment applications.
Brown Innovations
Brown Innovations make products to enable visitors to public spaces too hear audio better. Products include the Maestro balanced focused speaker and a range of sound cones suitable from 2-4 visitors to isolate audio spill.
Tour-Mate Outdoors Audio
Tour-mate supply a range of audio systems for use by visitors to cultural and heritage sites, botanical gardens, parks, zoos and more .
Other Audio Products
We custom make specalised audio producrts for mueseum exhibits. Our AV suppliers also have add on speakers for many of the AV displays which are sold without speakers. Most large professional displays do not come with speakers built in.